Welcome to LPPC

Sunday Morning Schedule

Worship Service

Sunday School for Children and Youth
9:45 am

Fellowship in the Atrium

Adult Sunday School

Visiting LPPC

Individuals wearing yellow lanyards represent our Welcoming Team. They're there to answer any questions you might have and make you feel at home at LPPC.

Fill out a connection card found in your pew and stop by our welcome desk for a gift.

Following worship you are invited to fellowship with us in the atrium with coffee, tea, lemonade and snacks!

Our Sunday Services in Detail

Sunday morning worship at LPPC is a blended service that consists of both traditional and modern elements. Music includes various instruments, choirs (chancel and bell), and a modern worship team. Traditional hymns, along with modern worship songs, give an opportunity for those whose musical tastes vary to praise God through a variety of forms. 

We greatly value the authority of the Scriptures for all teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that all God’s people may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
(II Timothy 3:16-17).

Interested in Learning More?

We’d love to know more about you and how we can help you feel at home at LPPC.
Please click on the link below to contact us and we'll be in touch!